Newsletter: fishing club information on the WTT website

The recent WTT newsletter mentioned that we are planning to hold a list of clubs on the Wild Trout Fishing’ page on this website.

If you would like your club or syndicate to be included, please complete this short form and send to Denise Ashton at dashton@​wildtrout.​org

This is the newsletter item:

We are often contacted by trout fisherman requesting information about clubs they might be able to join, and the WTT team will answer based on their local knowledge on an ad hoc basis. Our website receives over 10,000 visits a month, and one of the popular pages is about wild trout fishing. We are planning to enhance the content of this page by adding a list of clubs and syndicates that are looking for members, or willing to add members to their waiting list. It will be a PDF document that can be downloaded from our website and will hold some basic information on club name, location, website, type of fishing and a contact name. Anglers who are interested can then contact the club directly if they are interested in learning more.
If clubs are willing to offer guest tickets for prospective members, we will include that too. We will review the list every January.

We can’t guarantee that all the people that get in touch will be WTT members, nor will we get involved in vetting’ people in any way, but we hope that the connection with the WTT will help link up like minded anglers and fishing.