Further Reading

Wild Trout Trust videos are available on YouTube and Vimeo channels.

Selected Wild Trout Trust articles. 

Introduction to the Catchment Based Approach and WTT's involvement with Catchment Partnerships.

A list of Wild Trout Trust publications and PDF copies of the members newsletters are available here.

  UK Government policy documents

These are some of the key documents which affect trout conservation in England and Wales:

Making space for Nature by John Lawton, September 2010 .  PDF

 The Natural Choice: Securing the value of nature, Defra white paper,  June 2011. PDF

Water for Life, Defra  white paper, Dec 2011. PDF

The Case for Change - Current and Future Water Availability. Environment Agency. March 2012. PDF

The Case for Change - Reforming Water Resources Management in England. OFWAT and the Enironment Agency. 2012. PDF

National Trout and Grayling Fisheries Strategy, Environment Agency, 2003. PDF

Trout Stocking Policy leaflet , Environment Agency, 2009. PDF

The Environment Agency website has a publications catalogue with a search facility here  

The Environment Agency has published a useful document on the rights and responsibilities of riparian owners. Click here to download a PDF copy.

Environment Agency Field Guide to Aquatic and Riparian Plant Management: controls for vegetation in watercourses. Click here

Climate change

Grey vs Grey, the benefits of natural flood control in a changing climate, Trout Unlimited Publication PDF

Environment Agency, Keeping Rivers Cool Manual PDF

Pollution issues

Publication produced by the Catchment Sensitive Farming project (CSF); the ecological benefits of CSF in the RIver Dove catchment PDF

Troubled Waters emanating from a workshop by IFM, EA and Exeter and Brunel Universities in November 2013: The impact of water poluting chemicals on fish populations PDF


Begon, Harper, Townsend  "Ecology"

Robert Behnke, 'About Trout'

Robert Behnke, 'Trout and Salmon of North America'

D.T. Crisp, 'Trout and Salmon - 'Ecology, Conservation and Rehabilitation'

W.E. Frost and M.E. Brown, 'The Trout'

Game Conservancy Trust, 'Restoration of Riverine Trout Habitats - A Guidance Manual', Environment Agency Fisheries Technical Manual 1, R&D Technical Report W18

Andreas Halverson, 'An Entirely Synthetic Fish. How Rainbow Trout Beguiled America and Overran the World'

Graeme Harris and Nigel Milner (Eds), 'Sea Trout - Biology, Conservation and Management'

Robert L. Hunt,  "Trout Stream Therapy",

Martin O'Grady,  "Channels and Challenges",

James Prosek, 'Trout. An Illustrated History'