INNS Mapper: A new app for tracking and tackling invasive non-native species

Great news for citizen scientists and everyone trying to tackle invasive non-native species (INNS) on their local patch, with the launch of the new INNS Mapper app for England, Wales and Scotland.

From the INNS Mapper website:

INNS Mapper is an app and website for the reporting of sightings, surveys and management of INNS in England, Wales and Scotland. INNS Mapper is free to use and aims to provide an effective resource to support INNS programmes and coordinate efforts…

A key aspect of INNS management is coordination; the recording and sharing of information on the management of INNS will heighten the effectiveness and efficacy of projects and work to minimise these INNS populations and their impact on the environment. INNS Mapper aims to be a tool to aid in this information sharing and coordination. Furthermore, recording management will also allow us to potentially see where management has been effective which can then be shared amongst stakeholders.’

INNS Mapper has been developed by the team behind the old PlantTracker app, and it looks like lots of the data previously collected there have been helpfully pre-loaded onto INNS Mapper. 

Citizen scientists can now use INNS Mapper to report sightings and management of 62 different species of INNS, including freshwater plants and invertebrates, terrestrial plants and mammals.

Find the INNS Mapper website (including download links to Google Play and the Apple Store) by clicking HERE.

INNS Mapper logo