Creating Riverwoods short videos

As a follow up to the feature length Riverwoods film, Scotland’s Riverwoods Partnership has created a series of beautiful short films, Creating Riverwoods, showcasing the work of the many people committed to reversing the serious declines in Scotland’s wild salmon and sea trout populations (inevitably the focus is on salmon, but sea trout are also in decline and will also benefit).

Commissioned by the Fishmongers’ Company, Creating Riverwoods is a series of real-life case studies featuring landowners, gamekeepers and fisheries experts. Their stories provide both practical information and inspiration for other land managers seeking to restore the health of Scotland’s river catchments, and all of the life within them.

One example is below — there are five videos in total. 

These videos are accompanied by the Practioner’s Guide to Woodland Restoration, which provides practical advice for those engaging in tree planting project including landowner engagement, woodland design, funding applications and delivery.

Beavers, and the way they can re-engineer landscapes, feature widely in the films; we at WTT agree with lots that’s said in these films, but not necessarily all.

More information about beavers and our view is available in our Beaver Resource Hub on the WTT website.