River Glaven update

The Wild Trout Trust has a long-standing relationship with The River Glaven Conservation Group (RGCG), dating back to the Cinderella Chalkstreams Project when a reach of this Norfolk river was restored by then WTT Director Simon Johnson ably assisted by Vaughan Lewis and the RGCG volunteers. 

More recent projects for Tim Jacklin of the WTT include Hunworth, and Glandford Mill and the upcoming river diversion at Bayfield Hall. All have benefited greatly from the involvement of RGCG and its close links to the local community. 
RGCG do an exemplary job in promoting the need for river restoration, generating local support and enthusiasm and getting their wellies on and getting stuck in! 
Download their latest newsletter here or check out the website at http://​www​.river​glaven​.co​.uk/