Recent research on the impacts of signal crayfish

Signal crayfish are an invasive non native species that are known to carry crayfish plague’ that is fatal to our native white clawed crayfish. They also tunnel into banks and cause considerable erosion on some rivers. It is thought that the number, diversity and species richness of invertebrates is lower in rivers with signal crayfish. Now recent research has shown that intensive removal of signal crayfish results in increased numbers and species richness of invertebrates.

See the recent research article here

More information on signal crayfish is available on the Non Native Species Secretariat website here.

There is a risk unauthorised trapping and subsequent movement of crayfish can make the problem worse rather than better, therefore you need permission from the Environment Agency in England and Wales before trapping crayfish.
Details available here

Licences are also required in Scotland. Contact Scottish Natural Heritage : click here for their website