New ID picture guides for invasive shrimp

Dr Cyril Bennett and the Salmon & Trout Conservation Trust UK have produced some excellent pictorial guides to help identify two invasive freshwater shrimp species: the killer and the demon shrimp.

The killer shrimp guide includes a photo of a juvenile and illustrates how easily this invader can be inadvertently spread by anglers, boaters and so on. A timely reminder on biosecurity: Check, Clean, Dry!

These guides, a more comprehensive but very simple key from the Freshwater Biological Association covering the majority of invasive shrimp and isopods (both here and on the horizon), and more on biosecurity can be found on the WTT website: https://​www​.wildtrout​.org/​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​/​b​i​o​s​e​c​urity