Catching that Prize Fish!

The start of the season is a perfect time to reflect on good technique in catch-and-release fishing: keep that fish in or very close to the water, handle it with wet hands and maybe through a soft-mesh net, don’t lay it out on the bank, gently remove that barbless hook and hold the fish back in the water just long enough for it gather strength and kick itself away. There’s more on C&R on the WTT website here.

And to make it even easier, you can measure the fish and calculate it’s weight by using a handy stick on measure for your rod and a waterproof card that converts trout length to weight. Only £3.50. Buy rod measures and cards here  

But you might too want to get a photo of that mighty fish. I’ve recently rediscovered a video from John Pearson and WTT’s Paul Gaskell (wearing his Discover Tenkara hat) that gives some great tips on getting that trophy shot. An essential item to follow these tips is a fishing chum but there are principles to follow even if you’re on your own.

TotalFlyfisherPhotofeature from Paul Gaskell on Vimeo.

Hope the season ahead brings you many huge fish that leave you fit to fight another day.