The Annan without Nick?

Sad news for the fisheries trust movement in Scotland that Nick Chisholm has hung up his chesties as Director of Fisheries for the Annan DSFB & River Annan Trust.

Nick has been an unstinting champion of wild trout and wild trout fishing on the Annan and has done great work to bring the river and its extraordinary trout to prominence. He’s also been a strong supporter of WTT in Scotland; we are greatly indebted and wish Nick every good fortune in his new professional life with Natural Power.

Nick’s post is advertised here http://​www​.envi​ron​men​tjob​.co​.uk/​a​d​v​e​r​t​s​/​5​5​5​6​9​-​d​i​r​e​c​t​o​r​-​o​f​-​f​i​s​h​eries
and here http://​www​.asfb​.org​.uk/​v​a​c​a​n​cies/

Soon-to-be ex-Annan Director of Fisheries, Nick Chisholm, getting in really close to test the water…
