Location: 10.2km of the River Granta at Babraham, Cambridgeshire.
Issue: The river had been moved to the edge of the floodplain and constrained within levees. Gravel carried excess sediment and there was limited bankside vegetation.
Objective: Reconnect the river to its floodplain, increase floodwater storage and infiltration during high flows. Improved habitat for trout, especially clean spawning gravels, and increased bankside vegetation for water voles. Reduced flood risk to local houses.
Method: Levee removal, gravel redistribution to create pools and spawning riffles, bank regrading, large woody material and tree hinging.
WTT role: Lead partner — project design and delivery.
Partners: Babraham Research Campus (landowner), Environment Agency (funding through Flood and Coastal Risk Management).
Project date: April 2021.
WTT Conservation Officer: Rob Mungovan